Profit Calculation

Find out how much the cost is for you to rent or renew a referral for 30 days. This price will change as you acquire more NeoBux rented referrals, so make sure to check the current fee to keep your calculations up to date. Next, divide this amount by the amount you are paid for a referral click ($0.005 for NeoBux standard strategy, and $0.01 for NeoBux golden strategy or NeoBux ultimate strategy). Next, divide this number by 120 (4 ads per day multiplied by 30 days). Last, multiply this number by 4 (4 ads per day) to find the average you need.

Here’s the full formula:
( ( ( Rental or Renewal Fee / Referral Click Commission ) / 120 ) x 4 ) = Break Even Average

So for an example calculation, let’s say you are paying $0.25 per rented referral or renewal, and that you are earning $0.01 per click as a golden member.

( ( ( $0.25 / $0.01 ) / 120 ) x 4 ) = Break Even Average

$0.25 / $0.01 = 25, 25 / 120 = 0.2083 (repeating 3), 0.2083 (repeating 3) x 4 = 0.83 (repeating 3)

So, your NeoBux recycling strategy could be based on a break even average of 0.83 (repeating 3). 
Therefore, any NeoBux rented referral whose average falls below 0.83 is below the break even point. It would definitely be wise to recycle any referral whose average indicates that they are in fact losing money for you, instead of making money.

Using this average, you can also calculate who is really earning you a great return on your investment. Simply multiply your break even average by 2, which for this example, would be 1.6. Any NeoBux rented referral whose average is double your break even average is also doubling your money.

Usually, I set the color coded sliders to my break even average, and double break even average. This means referrals in the red should be recycled, those in the yellow are at least breaking even or earning a profit of some kind, and those in the green are at least doubling my money or better.

I hope my free NeoBux recycling strategy helps you find success, and reach your goals on NeoBux, and even if you don’t follow my advice exactly, hopefully it will help you to create a NeoBux recycle strategy that works for you.